It's a week later than I promised, but now I have time to think and thus time to write: (though keep in mind my backspace key, 'o' key, and the most recently my 'y' key are getting stuck -- so this is truely an effort. One that I'm glad to do though!)
So, essentially I stayed in a castle this weekend. A CASTLE. Brick walls, wooden floors, ghosts, et al. Literally the moment I got out of the van Willie (the 'owner' but more overseer of the castle) whipped his van behind ours and parked, letting out the most adorable weimaraner puppy my eyes have ever seen. Immediately me and Luna started a lavish affair that included long times spent in my lap, longer times spent outside playing, and sneaking her into my room every now and then.
The next few pictures are shots from outside of the house. I could go into the history of the castle because it's quite interesting, but a lot to type so instead I'll post a link to it's website:
One other cool comment about this place though is that it's meant to be a space where artists do residences so a ton of artists frm all over the UK and beyond have spent time in the same place all of us did getting inspired, like we did.
This is the backyard of the castle. The house to the left is where Willie lives (can you believe his life?) and that's Andy in the corner. That's the North Sea back there too.
After seeing the ocean I said that only thing that'd make this place better is a tree with a swing. Zoe went off exploring and less than 5 minutes later came back running saying she'd found a tree swing. It then became clear to me that this place is perfect.
That night we went to a small pub in town and were greeted by this band. 3 women and 4 men made it up. Each girl had a violin and 3 of the guys played accordion, the last played piano. Needless to say it was great.
When we got back that night we realized that Luna was not the only dog there. This is Toby. He is not as adorable as Luna, but older so by default cute.
These are some shots of the inside of the house. It was amazing.
This tapestry room is where I spent a lottt of time reading and etc.
this is the ceiling of the tapestry room.
Everything about this place was ornate right down to the toilet paper rolls. FALCON toilet paper rolls.
This is the main hallway. I was on the top level. The ceiling in the main stairwell was a massive sunlight - you can imagine how beautiful it was.
As if the location, dogs, and atmosphere weren't already amazing enough, there was a live-in chef that cooked us all our meals each day. Homemade meals. For lunch we usually had some sort of soup (tomato, pictured below is spinach and broccoli, etc etc) and a side. These were mini pizzas he made with a type of pesto sauce on top. For dinner it was always amazing. I remember vegetable curry stir fry, mock Shepperd's pie, and pictured below this one a vegetable patty with sauce and cooked half potatoes. After each dinner we also had dessert - and when I say dessert I'm talkin passion fruit parfait, gingerbread soaked in liquor with homemade ice cream and rhubard, and all the fixins etc etc. Amazing.
One night a few of us walked to the beach where we could stand in the North Sea. These girls are wonderfulll.
This is me and my GF's in the North Seaaaa
I love these ladiez. Callie and Rach playin in the sea. It was incredibly cold so taking off our shoes was something done after a few shots of tequila only.
The next day we went out of the town of Arbroath (I don't think I mentioned that's where the castle was) and out to these amazing cliffs. It was windy as all hell and that probably made it a safety hazard for us to be there, but it was beautiful.
Me, chilling on the cliffz.
The beach just under the cliffs.
The town of Arbroath.
Randomly placed picture of the back of the castle.
3 days well spent.