Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have so much to update!

For now, I leave you with this:

I've gotten a sun burn in the UK (didn't think it was possible) and my dreams last night were entirely in British accents.


  1. Posted several times but they ain't showing up so all my clever comments are going to some bloke in cyberspace. Before I continue..again, let me see if you, Erin, will actually see it

  2. ah miracles. In San Diego I met a GSK colleague from......Glasgow Scotland, borne and bread and....his Dad work at your school all his life-amazing. He had the great scottish accent and was an extremely clever fellow. He agreed loch loman was a must, he said that he's rather "attend a stabbing in Edinborough than a wedding in Glasgow" don'r know what that means but he said someone there would explain it-also a fine story. In the 13th cenury there was a leper colony across the river from Glasgow. One day a week the lepers were allowed to go to the market for supplies (not mom's mine joke). To warn the shoppers and merchants, they had to wear bells around their necks so, in time, the town's people started saying, "here come the gory bells" which over time became..... Gobals-the town you mentioned!
