So as this blog would indicate I traveled a lot while I was in the UK. Whether it was day trips, adventures around town, or going between Wales, Ireland, etc - I was all over the place. Traveling always made me really nervous. Rarely did I have it all figured out before I left. I would just know the destination and have a vague idea of how to get there. It makes sense, I think, that that kind of traveling would make a person nervous. Needless to say, I was nervous a lot in the UK. I think this is the first time I've admitted that. Anywho.
When I got nervous there was one record I'd always put on to calm me down. Here I am, months after the UK, studying for an African American Women's history class and my iTunes is on shuffle. Of course, the song that starts the CD I used to calm myself down is the first thing that pops up. Beach Houses "Teen Dream" got me through a lot of shaky times over there and now it makes me burst out into tears while I sit on my floor studying.
All I can remember while listening to this CD are the nice times that came after me being nervous. I remember sitting with Andy on the bus for day trips around Scotland with my stomach churning, but ending up at Hospitalfield House where I had one of my most memorable experiences ever. I remember flying with Callie to Ireland at 7am and having no idea what to expect, except knowing that I'd have to navigate from Dublin to Galway and find a hostel that we didn't even really have an address for. In Ireland I met friends I still keep in touch with from as far away as Australia and grew a lot in general. I remember taking trains with Ellie all over the place and tricking myself into thinking my nerves were just motion sickness, but ending up in Oxford, Wales, England, or Scotland for countless perfect memories.
It's amazing the memories that a few songs can trigger. I can literally remember the patterns on the seats of the bus we took to StonyPath.
Beach House - Zebra; Silver Soul; Norway;

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